Week 22 Quickie

Peak of the Week-the weather is warming up here in Toronto. At work my after school class and I enjoyed lots of sunshine outside, instead of the usual rush indoors. This pregnancy I have had a bit of cabin fever. My last pregnancy I was pregnant from Jan-Oct. I got to spend most of it walking outside and being active. Not so much this pregnancy being pregnant in October. I can't wait to get walking again and active again!
Freak of the Week-this isn't a bad freak, but still freaked me out. I was laying on my back one night and felt a 'tube' in my stomach. I was sort of able to clutch it with my hands. As I did, it moved a way and then kind of knocked me back! It was probably my babies leg or arm. It was such a strange sensation. To feel a body part so distinctly was mind blowing. Especially this early. Usually you don't see/feel parts sticking out until the last trimester.
Craving of the Week- Chicken Enchilada's! Made those babies on saturday...but the shredding chicken was enough to put me off eating them for quite some time! TOO much work! LOL
Peev of the Week-the ever growing body...I love my baby bump to death...but I am having trouble knowing what to wear. Especially for church. Looking forward to the season change as summer clothing seems a bit more 'preggo' friendly. I don't care to go shop for maternity gear all over again... But my love for fashion caused my to buy this maxi dress this week! Lol

Bump &Baby- Size of Papaya or Ken barbie! Haha imagine that?
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