29 Weeks Pregnant

muscles, but we'll see. "I am not a Doctor" LOL. Baby is doing wonderfully, now we get to see little feet and elbows sticking out!! Thats been so wonderful, its really helped me bonding to the baby too! I have noticed alot of women are pregnant, and a lot are due around the same time as me! Everywhere I go I see at least 2 pregnant ladies, and usually if I have convo with them they are due anywhere from september -november! I think its a baby boom!! We had a dinner the other night & everyone was putting in their guess for what I am having! It funny cause its really been 50/50 of what I have heard. It has been quiet entertaining to listen to everyones reasons as to why I am having what I am having! I do look forward to sharing with my family & friends! It will be fun to hear some of the reactions.
Here are some of the old wives tale reasons people have told me I aam havign what I am having
1) Your carrying high so its a girl
2) Your carrying more out front than around the waste so its a boy
3) You like orange juice so its a girl
4) The heart beat is slow so its a boy
5) You didn't have morning sickness so its a boy
6)Haven't lost your beauty so its a boy
7)I held a boy baby & it didn't cry so its a girl
8)And the lady at the ultrasound said....lol you'll just have to wait till Aug!!LOL
Anyhow, I am off to bed, its quite late & I have a very busy weekend ahead of me! I get to look forward to 2 hours on a noisy non air conditioned bus with 50 people saturday! As we travel to Wasaga beach for a church picnic! That should be interesting! I was on a bus today with no Air COnditioning! OH my gosh I was so uncomfortable! So I pray its cool on saturday!
Wishful Thinking!
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