32 Weeks Pregnant!

32 WeeksYAY! So exciting, that this time is winding down! I went to the OB today, just a routine check up! All is well, baby is doing well!! Growing nicely!! It was interesting going to the dr's office & seeing all the different pregnant ladies-and all the different shaped tummies. Some high, some low, some big, some small, some looked like basketballs others were more wide!! But beautiful all the same. This week pregnancy wise has been great, life was a bit stressful
but praise God for a wonderful husband! He has done such a good job helping me take it easy and relax and not stress too much!! When I had my first daughter I had no one to encourage me or help me get through it, and not everyone in my life was interested in not stressing me out, so needless to say it was a hectic pregnancy. The only difference in this one is that so many people have been so concerned and such a blessing, Even those who take the time to follow my blog (Karyn) LOL I really appreciate!! It just shows that they care! Pregnancy is a wonderful time to be surround by those you love & that love you!! So this week I want to say thank you to all my Friends & Family who have been there for me!! Your a blessing! OKay enough of the mushy gushies, we are on a hunt for a name! I think i have the perfect one, but i still want to hear your ideas! Post your name ideas if you can think of any! :D
Mama Rodneeeey :) .. igot a name for your baby how about Etoile , its a nice name and its french for star :) .. LOL jus kidding ,sadly i dont have a name for you but it has to be unique and have agood meaning to it .. jus saying . and glad to hear that your pregnancy is going well and your relaxed because relaxation is VERY IMPORTANT ! .. jus felt like commenting LOL & hope everything with your church is going good as well <3