Let the fun Begin!

Big Sis won't leave this room!  Her fav place to be :D

My nursery prep is in full swing now!  So surreal watching an office turn into a nursery in a matter of days!
We have the crib set up and closet organized. Today hubby and I are making the change table.  Next week a stand up wall unit comes in and everything will be good to go!
I washed all of Preston's clothes.  Packed his hospital bag and have begun to disinfect bottles and breast pump.  I have been pretty productive this week.
Next week or the week after I will pack hubby and my hospital bags.  I am trying to stretch out all the excitement!  My bag isn't a huge worry. I have everything for my bag already...just a matter of throwing it all in!
I really can't get over how the time is really winding down now!
Prestons diaper bag(right) is packed and hospital bag (left) is packed
Didn't' want to bring diaper bag to hospital.
Fully stocked & ready to go

Just needs to be painted :D
Is that a baby sock I see?
He's leaving his stuff around the house already! LOL


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