Miya's Birth Story
My birth Story
Well as you all know, my due date came and went 10/10/10-it was a very sad day for me!
On Monday of thanksgiving I saw my dad and said 'tomorrow you will have the baby!' I agreed with him, but mostly doubted and thought I would go over due. I told my family and friends next week-
Well Tuesday I went for a long vigorous walk, ate spicy food,co, and started to feel uneasy by about 4:00pm. I took a nap and by 6, I had some contractions but it wasn't anything to "get excited about"
At about 6:30 I got the revelation, these are real contractions, but was still in disbelief! Then I had my "bloody show". That's when I knew labor was coming, but in my mind it still could have been a couple days! The contractions got worse, so i timed them, they were coming every 2-4 min. I told Gary (who wasn't home at the time) it was time to go, he was like "Are you sure? I think your rushing this??"
Even when he got home, and by then I had to breathe through contractions he still seemed hesitant to leave for the hospital. Well it's a good thing we did-about 10 min after being in triage of labor & delivery-my water broke! But not just the regular -it had meconium in it-so if that had happened anywhere else, what a mess!!
They admitted me immediately! At 11:30- I was in my birthing room, bouncing on the ball breathing through contractions & chatting with the nurses. By 4;30-Hey there folks!
She was healthy & covered in poop!!
It was a wonderful experience, I cried to much-I was in such shock it all happened to quickly!!
Praise God
Her first day-she got some visitors & now we are home her & her daddy are resting!
I am hopefully going to do the same!
Thanks all for following!
Well as you all know, my due date came and went 10/10/10-it was a very sad day for me!
On Monday of thanksgiving I saw my dad and said 'tomorrow you will have the baby!' I agreed with him, but mostly doubted and thought I would go over due. I told my family and friends next week-
Well Tuesday I went for a long vigorous walk, ate spicy food,co, and started to feel uneasy by about 4:00pm. I took a nap and by 6, I had some contractions but it wasn't anything to "get excited about"
At about 6:30 I got the revelation, these are real contractions, but was still in disbelief! Then I had my "bloody show". That's when I knew labor was coming, but in my mind it still could have been a couple days! The contractions got worse, so i timed them, they were coming every 2-4 min. I told Gary (who wasn't home at the time) it was time to go, he was like "Are you sure? I think your rushing this??"
Even when he got home, and by then I had to breathe through contractions he still seemed hesitant to leave for the hospital. Well it's a good thing we did-about 10 min after being in triage of labor & delivery-my water broke! But not just the regular -it had meconium in it-so if that had happened anywhere else, what a mess!!
They admitted me immediately! At 11:30- I was in my birthing room, bouncing on the ball breathing through contractions & chatting with the nurses. By 4;30-Hey there folks!
They decided to give me some pitocin to speed things up-and an epi. I got my epi at 6:00-by 6:20-i was in heaven-and by 6:30-i was crying cause i was in so much pain, they called the dr-to give me more meds-still nothing by 6:45-they thought let's check her-even though about 1 hr ago I was 4 cm-well within 1 hr I was fully 10 cm and that's why the epi wasn't working-it was time to push. Within 6 pushes Miya Elizabeth came into the world!She was healthy & covered in poop!!
It was a wonderful experience, I cried to much-I was in such shock it all happened to quickly!!
Praise God
Her first day-she got some visitors & now we are home her & her daddy are resting!
I am hopefully going to do the same!
Thanks all for following!
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