40 weeks Pregnant

It's saturday-today I spent my day getting ready for church tomorrow.  I also got my hair done-so I don't have to worry about it during labor! At some point next week I am gonna get my toes done!  I know seems silly to want to look good in labor-but with all the pictures and visitors-can u blame me?
It's Sunday- One more week till my expected due date!  Possibly 18 more days till I actually have the baby! Should I go over due, I am waiting 10 days past due date to see if i can deliver naturally!  This is also b/c my last was overdue & I have had 3 different due dates given to me, so I don't want to induce to early unless i need too!
It's monday, I had a dr apt today with my dr.  It was my last apt with him.  Should I go overdue, I have an apt with another dr. I hope to see him again in my delivery room!!  Hopefully he is on rotation when I go in for delivery!! This morning, I had a sharp but breif contraction lasting about 30 second maximum.  I knew it was a contraction cause braxton hicks don't feel like that.  However nothing followed. I don't mind though-i am enjoying my last couple days or possibly week of freedom!
It's Tuesday, last night I slept okay, not as good as past nights.  I had a brisk walk this morning in the rain, I came home exhausted.  Everything feels pretty much normal-I think i am having company tonight so that should be good! Take my mind off things!! Even though i have been more relaxed now than anxious, i guess cause its so close.  I didn't feel the greatest today, had a very deep sleep nap this afternoon! May be the last i catch for quite sometime!
Wednesday-had a little bit of nesting istinncts today, cleaned alot & crashed alot! I am oddly tired this week.But imma enjoy those cry free naps!!
Thursday- woke up with usual energy, then by about 10 was readyf or a morning nap!! did some vaccuming and organizing, this evening I teach piano & then I went to do some shopping! My wonderful husband bought me another full size piano keyboard!  The one I have already we are tired of taking back & forth to church! I ended up with something so nice! That made my evening!
Friday-this morning I am tired of pregnancy! Well more tired of everyone saying "ur still pregnant" "nothing happened yet" "the babies coming" Ahhhh I know!!!! I feel like i am on some sort of time clock ready to explode, and  everyones just waiting! I am actually okay with going a bit overdue,  Ikinda plan too-u know plan for the worst.  But everyone asks me, so have u felt anything yet, if I had I would be in labor! Sorry if ur reading this and ur one of those people who are driving me crazy! I still love you though-and will make sure to do the same to you when ur 40 weeks pregnant! LOL  
Will my 40 weeks is pretty much complete-hopefully there won't be a 41 week entry but a I hade the baby entry!!


  1. Aw- poor you!!! The end is the worst!! Praying for you that you have a easy labor (sounds kinda weird eh..LOL). Looking forward to hearing your exciting news...rest up mama...xo

  2. Vic! ahh I'm soo excited for you! expect a vistit from me :) hehe

    <3 Jessie

  3. Down to the wire huh? I never knew reading a pregnancy blog could be so interesting for a child-less 20 year old! LOL
    Lots of Love,

  4. Karyn-thanks so much, i will need it
    Jessie-for sure u can come visit me
    Ess-LOL yah I am surprised u find it interesting too-you'll know what to expect when ur time comes!


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