A Day in the Life | H O M E S C H O O L
Day in the Life! |
Four months in and we have finally established some R O U T I N E. Hallelujah!H Here's what a day in the life of a homeschooling mom of 2 looks like!
W A K E.
The great thing about being an HSM (homeschool mom) is that your schedule can be as flexible or strict as you like. Our HS day starts at 9am Mon, Wed & Fri and 10:30 Teusday & Thursdays.
Before my kiddos wake up, I get myself dressed, read,prayed up and java'd up for the day!
R E A D.
The beginning of our routine always begins with reading for my oldest. She reads 20 minutes from one of the classic novels apart of her curriculum. While she reads my son will work on letter recognition & sounds.
M A T H.
We have decided to send our daughter to private school for math each day. She goes for roughly 2 hours a day and get the opportunity to stay for recess. This is great because she still gets the opportunity to be apart of a classroom setting and be socialized, while giving me a slight break!
During break time, I often do one on one with my preschoolee, his lessons varry from day to day. Upper & Lower case letter, number recognition & shapes are the main focus this term.
L U N C H.
When we pick up my oldest from math, she is often hungry. So we break for lunch. After lunch I let her and her brother play while I quickly clean up the kitchen and prepare our lessons for the day.
S I G H T W O R D S.
This part of our day I discussed in my previous blog( 5 Star Vocab) but has been one of my favorite parts of homeschooling. Seeing both of my little ones vocabulary broaden has been extremely exciting! My 3 year old is working on names at the moment. Mom, Dad and siblings are all names he recognizes. My older daughter has probably mastered over 100 advanced sight words in a few short months. Next term we want to work more on incorporating those into her vocabulary.
S P E L L.
At this time my 4 year old is dismissed for the day and I work one on one with my daughter. Each week she has 8 spelling words with a test on Mondays or Tuesdays. To help her memorize different words we have them listed in our kitchen on a white board so she can always see them.
L E S S O N.
And now we get to the good stuff. The curriculum I chose for my kiddos does a great job of preparing a lesson with little effort on my part. I can just open the book and begin. Usually everything we need for the lesson we already have. Each day varies, from focuses on sentence diagraming,parts of speech, cursive, art appreciation, spelling rules, geography, poetry ect. We usually work on one lesson or 45 minutes of work per day. However many times we work ahead so that we can take days off when we like!
E X T R A.
Depending on the kiddos temperament, I will end the day with a baking class, art (unless included in lesson that day), library or science. With homeschooling everything is a teaching moment. Even the simplest, mundane activities like doing laundry can be turned into a lesson!
And that's it!
Our day usually ends between 2:30-3pm. However, if Miya didn't leave for math each day our days would be much shorter.
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