Happy 1 Week Birthday Preston!

Who would have thought my 39th week of pregnancy would actually be my sons first week of life!

I am just absolutely in LOVE with this little boy and so thankful to have him here a little early! 

His first week of life went off without a hitch. It involved us getting discharged as quickly as we could from the hospital (1 am Sunday morning to be exact) so that we could make it for a wedding at out church that morning!

Yep...I was in church Sunday morning after just pushing out a baby the day before! A round of applause for super woman??  Haha...yeah right superwoman was in tears in the car later that day when it hit me...this was just a little bit much,a bit too soon!

After the reception we got home and Preston, Miya and myself took a nap(how we miss Tiana... She's back next week)

I woke up to find the house quiet.  I looked at the clock...it was 7pm. Evening service has already started and my sweet husband had let me stay home and sleep.  Though earlier I had mentioned me staying home(didn't know he was actually going to let me) lool

Preston has his first doctor apt on Monday. He had lost a bit of weight and was a bit jaundiced, but the doctor assured me since my milk supply had just came in full effect that day that it would clear within the week.

I was a bit sad seeing my little one looking yellow, but it didn't seem to effect him. Regular feedings, poops, naps and alertness continued!  Go Preston! 

He is absolutely THE best baby.  I don't want to brag because I know that can change in a blink of an eye.  But he hardly fusses. And if he does its just because he's hungry or getting his diaper changed.

As for me I have been feeling good for the most part. Doing everything in my power to rest when he rests and fight the urge to be SUPERWOMAN.  I noticed one day that I didn't rest I was more emotional, so there is definitely a link!

Big sister Miya has been adjusting well to Preston. I think the only thing she isn't fond of, is  my napping more frequently.  This is where she could really use her big sister. Lol
Thankfully she's an independent girl and doesn't mind playing on her own.  She has also been able to go visit her friends house to play and is able to to that any time she likes...so that helps the transition!

Having Preston here with us, makes me wonder how we ever lived without him? Bringing him to his room for the first time was such a special moment(even at 1 am...lol)

Each day is filled with many firsts.  He has a smile that melts my heart.  He makes these adorable grunts when he's upset or needs to poop.  I have forgotten the joy of a newborn.

I also forgot the work!  Lol when you hear women say they barely got a chance to shower or brush their teeth, that's no joke.  Though as I type l, I am freshly showered, life is MUCH more busy.

I find myself missing him if he sleeps for too long. I ended up having him sleep in the bassinet in my room. Not because he won't sleep in his room... But because I miss him so much, I can't sleep with him in the other room. He's not fussy so having him next to me is a dream!

As for how I am feeling one week postpartum?  Pretty good.
Having a baby puts a mothers body through a lot, and both my grandmother and mother in law have urged me 'Victoria just because you feel good on the outside, doesn't mean your OK on the inside, so take it easy!'  Gotta love them.

Physically this has been my easiest recovery. Given I didn't tear and my pushing stage was very quick my body has healed nicely. I do have some back ache...which is expected as I had a great deal of back labor this time.

Well I think that sums up the first week of Preston's life. He has had plenty of visitor's, texts and calls all welcoming him into this world! 

The saying 'we thought we had everything until we had you' rings so true for this little man! God has truly blessed us, having a son meant to much to me and actually having him here with me after all the scares and stresses we went through in the last year has really made it all worth it!


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