A Very Happy Easter!

A glimpse of the play I attended!
This week has been quite the emotional roller coaster for us! Filled with tons of ups and downs.
To make a long story short, I began to have some preterm labor symptoms early this week and was admitted into hospital for two days to be monitored!

A quick little testimony.  The checked my cervix and said it was short and open.  NOT good at my stage of pregnancy.  I was sent for an ultrasound that confirmed what the doctor had told us.,  The tech sent me to the washroom and had me come back to look again!  Would you believe my cervix was closed the next time she checked!!  The technician was over joyed she shouted "it;s closed, it's closed, now it's closed!   God is good.  Also seeing Preston in an ultrasound again was so moving! They confirmed once again He is indeed a HE! It was LOUD and CLEAR on that screen! LOL

Since my hospital stay I have been ordered to be on bed rest!  UGGHHHH!!! But this has proved helpful as my contractions have subsided a great deal. My A-mazing husband has been cooking meals and cleaning the house for me.  My sweet mother in law brought me a whole Easter weekend feast of food yesterday plus some little treats for the girls and Mr. Preston Ray.

I was fortunate enough to get out of the house last night and go to an Easter Play.  Cabin fever is def setting in!  The play was wonderful and just reminded me of the goodness of Christ.  This week could have gone altogether differently for our family, but sweet Jesus worked it all out for his glory!

This easter will definitely be one to remember!!
He who finds a GOOD husband...finds a good thing lol

Here I am 26 or 28 Weeks Pregnant LOL
All I know is I am pregnant that's for sure!LOL

One of the fine meals my hubby made for me!
Dumpling, potatoe, plantain and salt fish & callalo
Can life get any better???


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