25 Weeks - Possibly 27 weeks!

Hold the phone!  I am 25 weeks already?  In a month I will be 30weeks!  That's nuts!  Once u hit the 30's it's all down hill from there...30 weeks haha not age lol! Maybe that too!  LoL

Symptom of the week-Low appetite!  I haven't had much of an appetite this week. Maybe with my skin breakouts and the stress that causes could be why. Also alot of tummy pressure and tummy tightening!:0

Peak of the week- once again little Preston was blessed with some sweet items. He has quite a few shoes for a little man not even born yet :) I also got to see his sweet face at am ultrasound!  Can never get enough of that!

Peev of the Week: My due date change!? Most women probably are excited to shave an extra two weeks off their pregnancy.  For me its annoying! I don't like surprises remember!! Lol. My new due date is July 2 because my little man is way developed and big for his age.  The development made them believe I am really 27 weeks preggo.  So we shall see when he shows up. Could be end of June to late July.  That's gonna be a LONG month lol!

Freak of the week- A 48 hr Hospital Stay & Scare.  But in the end all was ok.  This little man seems to want to come early but he's gonna have to just stay put!! ;D

Craving of the Week- Sauerkraut & Sausage. I went to a friends and she made me sausage casserole, since then sausage has been on brain.  One of my fav ways to eat sausage has been sauerkraut and sausage soup! Mmhh mmhh good!

Bump & Baby-My little guy is the size of an acorn squash!  I am not sure how they get these measurements because in my opinion a egg plant it larger than acorn squash. But they are fun visuals. I read on one site he's the size of two juice boxes from head to bum :) Basically my little man is growing. At about 12-13 inches now. He is almost 2 lbs...could even over 2lbs. He moves A- Lot. When I went into the hospital this week for an ultrasound they once again commented on how ACTIVE he is!  Yes we know already!! Lol


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